Parent Information

An easy-to-reference guide as you prepare for her summer at Camp

All forms are due by June 1st.

Place an order for Camp gear in our online store.

Cabin request are due by May 1st.

Making a Target run? Here’s what you’ll need!

Need to ship a trunk?

Get details on camper travel options.

Everything you need to plan your drive.

Book your hotel now.

All you need to know for a smooth drop-off.

From Band-Aids to Benadryl.

Prepare her to navigate emotional challenges.

Want to know more about laundry at Camp?

Stay connected through letters and email!

Smile! Find out more about how to view summer snapshots.

Unfortunately, we cannot allow visits this year.

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Dear Parents,

We hope these links help you quickly and easily find the info you’re looking for, whether it is the mailing address, the packing list, or some gentle reassurance as you prepare to send your daughter to Camp for the first time. Sending a child to Camp is a commitment for the entire family, and we also hope it will be a fun adventure for the whole family!

We have been and will continue to pray for everyone involved with Camp this summer: for campers to be covered in protection, to feel brave, and to be open to growth; for parents to feel confident in the trust they place in Camp, to be courageous for their daughter’s sake, and to be held in God’s peace; for all of the staff, including each of us, to be deeply rooted in God’s love, guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and led and cared for by Jesus the Good Shepherd. We would love to ask you to join us in those prayers.

If there is any concern you’d like to discuss with a Director, please reach out to us. We would be more than happy to talk with you about anything that is on your mind. Whether you feel most comfortable contacting Sarah, Marsha, or Phil - it truly does not matter. Any one of us will be happy to listen to your thoughts and answer any questions you have. You can call or email us anytime.

We’re looking forward to a great summer at Camp. The river is cold, the sun is out, and these woods are just begging to be filled with laughter and singing! We’ll see you in Mentone very soon…

Have a good day and give a good day,
Sarah Hurt, Phil & Marsha Hurt

Countdown To Camp