While She’s at Camp
You met her counselor, made her bed, waved goodbye, and now you are (not so) patiently waiting for the Camp photographer to upload the photos from the first day!
Here are a few links to information you may want to keep close at hand.
View the photo gallery to see what’s been going on at Camp! New photos are posted every morning.
(Your parent password was sent to you via email)
Send Letters!
Camper Name (Cabin #)
P.O. Box 432
Mentone, AL, 35984
Need to ship something? We have a no package policy at Camp, but if she left something at home you might be able to send it.
Please read up on our package policy here.
You’re giving her an invaluable gift.
Camp is not only 26 days filled with fun activites and good friends. Sure, she is having a blast! But she is also growing up in some of the best, most important ways.
As a parent, you want to give your child the tools she needs to thrive. By sending her to DeSoto, you’re giving her a chance to practice life in a nurturing Christian community, cared for by wonderful counselors, encouraged in meaningful ways. She may be learning to shoot a bow and arrow, paddle a canoe on Little River, or access her God-given creativity in Arts & Crafts. She is also learning what it means to be a friend by sharing her flashlight beam on the way back to the Cabin after night activity. She is gaining confidence by learning a to post a trot at Horseback. She is living out forgiveness when her cabinmate forgot to take the trash out so the cabin got a silver star. She is learning humility when she forgets to take the trash out and her cabin mates show her grace.
The lessons that Camp offers are tenfold and too many to name here! Of course you miss her. We just hope you’ll remind yourself often that you are loving her so well by giving her the Camp DeSoto experience.