
I wanna go back

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I Wanna Go Back...

…to Camp Desoto!

I wanna go back, I wanna go back to Camp Desoto! I wanna go back to the camp I love,

  • Where the thunder is loud, and for our tribes we are proud!
  • Where we ate more than the boys, but we kept our camp poise!
  • Where we solved an impossible mission, and for snow we are wishin’
  • Where the sock hop was really great, and we really loved our dates!
  • Where the weather has been great, and the milkshakes were top rate!
  • Where we ran under the arch, and as christians we will march.
  • Where we hung out with the boys, and at Olympics we made noise!
  • Where we danced in poodle skirts, and we cheered in our tribe shirts!
  • Where we don’t mean to toot our horns, but we shucked all this corn!
  • Where we lit the Olympic torch, and we love our new back porch!
  • Where Senior Social was a blast, and at Olympics we ran fast!
  • Where the ice cream is fantastic, and we’re grateful for elastic!
  • Where it’s been over a week, and the gold we did seek!
  • Where we watched the games begin, and we are all champions!
  • Where the Olympics was so fun,and we really like to run!
  • Where the mission was impossible, and lip sync we were unstoppable!
  • Where we met a bunch of dudes, and we love Olympic food!
  • Where we love to dance and play, and at the end of camp we’ll say…

…Take me back to Camp Desoto!

This week at camp has been filled to the brim with wonderful, wonderful fun!

To recap our busy week, on Monday, the tribes began their month of competition with a game of Intermediate Basketball between the Creeks and Cherokees. The game was neck and neck the whole time, and the Cherokees pulled out the victory with a last minute three pointer! The final score was 20-21, and we all went to bed with hoarse voices from cheering! On Tuesday night, camp was entertained by the talent show, and Rachel Velasquez won the first place ribbon!

On Wednesday, we enjoyed some more tribe competition with an energetic game of Junior Kickball between the Chickasaws and the Creeks! The excitement in the gym was contagious, and the Chickasaws took home the win with a score of 18-13. The next night, the juniors spent the night in the woods, either at Phil’s Farm or at the overnight shelters, and the Intermediates and Seniors competed in an intense Lip Sync Battle! Each cabin chose a song, and choreographed a dance, with prizes for each age group in Best Choreography and Best All Around.

On Friday, our senior age group was invited to Alpine for the Senior Social. While they were there, the Intermediates played a game of Mission Impossible - a mission that ended up at the basketball courts with snow cones for everyone! That same night the youngest girls danced the night away with Elvis at our sock hop. To top it all of, Saturday afternoon brought the Camp DeSoto Olympics! The Chickasaw tribe took the gold, but every competitor went to bed feeling like a champion.

It was a busy week! Sunday brought a welcome day of rest, worship, cabin time, and a chance to reflect on the abundance we are living in. Jubilate Deo!

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Mary Eveleen Brown

About Mary Eveleen Brown

Mary Eveleen is a long-time DeSoto camper and a veteran counselor. This summer she is the Head of Swimming and our digital media intern! Mary Eveleen is from Nashville, Tennessee and just completed her Junior year at Ole Miss.

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